What Constitutes a Successful Organic Digital Marketing Campaign: Search Results or Focus on ROI?

    At the recently held Pubcon, Eric Kuan from Google confirmed that they still tweak Panda and Penguin algorithms occasionally, even though for most of the part they work on auto-pilot. Throw into the picture the ‘mobile first index’ and constant monitoring of audience’s content consumption pattern, maintenance of organic relevancy has become a tricky affair in the ever increasing competition. The easy way out could be opting for Google Adwords, if quick sales and branding are your business objectives. It’s indeed a valid option, but if we consider all recent studies, organic still is the largest contributor of relevant and business-oriented traffic to a website.

    To keep in sync with all these updates and remain relevant among target audience, we at JumpUpper have a certain set of procedures, which we implement for all our clients and make sure that they have it all – high-quality relevant traffic on website, engagement with customers/audience and user-friendly interaction on all mediums opted to use the website. Rather than ranking your business higher for irrelevant search terms, we focus on traffic and engagement, since they are the actual indicators of fetched ROI. It not only helps in placing your business in top search results, but also boosting its overall online reputation, leading to better brand recognition.

    We constantly keep working on buyer’s persona to understand different decision-making patterns to bring-in the right strategies for execution of a successful organic marketing campaign. Observing social behaviour of the buyers, over different social channels, helps us in constantly keeping them engaged and connected to your business. It works as ‘icing on the cake’ when people start advocating your brand through their individual social accounts and give your business an apt social approval through positive reviews and recommendations.

    For more helpful tips to promote your business online, you may write to us at [email protected]. We love sharing our expertise free of charge, especially if it’s about choosing the right digital marketing strategy for a business.